1. I would like to see a study done on the consumption of organic grass fed red meat. It would be interesting to see if we get the same results.

    1. And with people who did not "also tended to smoke, drink, and have less-than-healthy body weights."

  2. Screw Harvard. I'll die young enjoying my steak. As with most nutrition research, they will reverse their findings about 8 years from now.

  3. My issue with these studies is that it doesn't specify the quality of the red meat. Yes, cows raised in CAFOs (confined animal feeding operations), fed grains, in a cramped environment, pumped with antibiotics and hormones is definitely going to increase your risk of multiple diseases. However, I'd like to see a study done on 100% grass-fed and grass-finished beef. Grass-fed meat has a much better ratio of omega-3 EFA (2 or 3:1 vs 20:1), CLA (anti-cancer fighting nutrient), balanced ratio of saturated fat (yes, sat fat is GOOD for us in the right ratios), and much higher levels of all other nutrients. Give me a study that says that grass-fed meat will increase my risk of death and I will definitely lay off of it. Until then, grass-fed steak IS for dinner!

  4. M, Schultz says:

    "The study was funded by grants from the NIH and by a career development award from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. The study authors reported that they had no conflicts of interest."
    Really? Why is Natural Society giving this study any credence by publishing it? Is this an example of vegetarians supporting the establishment line when it fits their protocol?

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